Other than not wanting to limit the amount of money someone can earn in a free, capitalist society, I don't have a dog in this fight.
I'm just trying to warn people of what could happen after the strike happens. I don't see too many people talking about it, and we should be.
The banks are on the verge of failure as we speak, do you think this strike will be enough to push the rest of them over the edge into insolvency? Don't say you weren't warned!
They're freakin HIGH on something...
FYI - I know longshoremen that make $145k right now...
These peckerheads want $300k+. Piss off!!!
Other than not wanting to limit the amount of money someone can earn in a free, capitalist society, I don't have a dog in this fight.
I'm just trying to warn people of what could happen after the strike happens. I don't see too many people talking about it, and we should be.
The banks are on the verge of failure as we speak, do you think this strike will be enough to push the rest of them over the edge into insolvency? Don't say you weren't warned!