Good News! Today on the phone, my older brother apologized for giving me a rack of shit about covid,..
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
He asked if I would please send him information on how to counteract the jab. I had only asked him which company's product he got all those years ago, and his reaction to that simple question back then was just awful. We didn't speak for a long time. He was good to me when we were kids, I now have some happy research to do.
Any information that you've found to be solid on that front will be most sincerely appreciated.
I'm on vacation with some woke friends who are giving me 24x7 TDS and Putin Man Bad. I'm finding it difficult to keep smiling and ignoring them. One of friends has sniffly cold and blocked sinuses - the rest of them are pestering her to have a covid test and wear a mask. Driving me absolutely nuts.
Man, you were brave vacationing with woke friends!