This absolutely. At any other time in human history if people came from where you did not live, who did not look like you, suddenly came in numbers to your city they called that an invasion. If foreigners suddenly ruled over you they called that a hostile take over.
Today, We call that DiVeRsItY and it's a sTrEnGtH (for some fucking reason). They literally renamed invasion and convinced the low iqers that it's good for them.
This absolutely. At any other time in human history if people came from where you did not live, who did not look like you, suddenly came in numbers to your city they called that an invasion. If foreigners suddenly ruled over you they called that a hostile take over.
Today, We call that DiVeRsItY and it's a sTrEnGtH (for some fucking reason). They literally renamed invasion and convinced the low iqers that it's good for them.