140 Investors and CEOs at War with Regulators Over “Counterfeit Shares” (www.thegatewaypundit.com) - N C S W I C - posted 142 days ago by damnImgood 142 days ago by damnImgood +140 / -0 Investors and CEOs at War with Regulators Over “Counterfeit Shares" | The Gateway Pundit | by J.M. Phelps The Gateway Pundit spoke to Julianne Jay, a fair market activist and $MMTLP shareholder, who said tens of thousands of investors have been defrauded, their assets frozen, while regulators like the U.S. 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They have covered this issue many times in the last few years.
Agreed, if they address this, it may create a rule that would help GME to MOASS.