Mary is not divine, she is a creature and a human, but filled with grace by God in view of her vocation as the vessel and Mother of Jesus, God incarnate. Mary's mother was St. Anne and she is indeed revered from the early church as one who waited and prayed for the coming of the Messiah. She and St. Joachim conceived Mary after years of childless waiting. This is pious tradition passed down, not Scripture. The Bible is indeed sacred, but St. John says if everything Jesus said and did were written down, there would not be room in the world to hold all the books. So obviously there were teachings that were important (from the mouth of God's Son) but were not entered into the canon of Scripture.
Mary is not divine, she is a creature and a human, but filled with grace by God in view of her vocation as the vessel and Mother of Jesus, God incarnate. Mary's mother was St. Anne and she is indeed revered from the early church as one who waited and prayed for the coming of the Messiah. She and St. Joachim conceived Mary after years of childless waiting. This is pious tradition passed down, not Scripture. The Bible is indeed sacred, but St. John says if everything Jesus said and did were written down, there would not be room in the world to hold all the books. So obviously there were teachings that were important (from the mouth of God's Son) but were not entered into the canon of Scripture.