“Western North Carolina is destroyed. Hell on earth. I spent last night chainsawing fallen logs on a mountain so people could get in. Before that we were hunting for survivors in (town) and delivering water to the fire department. Got a family out today…”
🏡 Helping Community 🏘️

My husband was in Katrina with the NG fir a month. He said it sucked. Slept in a junior high locker room and later on in a church. I remember him calling me when he first got there and I could tell he was in shock. Said it looked like a bomb went off. The first wave had to shoot dogs because some had reverted to these wild pack animals. One night they watched a pack chase a donkey. Because it was so upsetting, when he was out on patrol, they started carrying big bags of kibble with them and would take a knife, tear the bag open and let them eat.
God bless him.
That makes sense about the dogs. No people, but a lot of animals left behind. Doesn't take long to go hungry. Heard those sporadic gun shots during the day and that would be a good explanation for it. Never sounded like a gun fight.
The gun fight sounds came later as the sun set.