Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mostly not. The type of operator I suspect him of being builds as much credibility as possible so that he’s positioned to nudge the narrative towards some topics and away from others, and plant ideas.

Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have done journalistic work with patriots who have collected plenty of information that points to Ritter’s being an op. One of many such glowies.

Anosha 1 point ago +3 / -2

Some of us in the community covering Russia in alternative media note Ritter’s checkered history (to put it mildly) and the way he covers topics like this and form the belief that he is a controlled opposition element. I think he lowers the quality of information experience of people who follow Russia issues in English, and I suspect that’s by design.

Anosha 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can still run Google Chrome, Firefox, and some other web browsers, and for most people that’s the main thing.

There’s a quite good alternative to Microsoft Office called LibreOffice that comes with every Linux operating system distribution (you don’t have to install it but it’s very available and free).

What else would you like to know about?

Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

I regret that I can only offer an updoot for your troubles. But anyway it is yours.

Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m saying that anything that collects your location or other information from anything other than your IP address can still do it while you’re using a VPN. Literally all a VPN does is route your Internet traffic through another network connection. There are numerous clues a website or app can get about your location, and your IP address is only one of them.

Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of the Ukrainian POWs report having had a woeful lack of supplies, combat support, and even rations, to the point where that was a reason they surrendered.

Anosha 8 points ago +8 / -0

Fake news. I’m in Russia and we consider these guys either our own or sadly misled guys who need to be shown the truth about what we stand for. There’s video after video of Russians treating Ukrainian POWs well, even collegially, and statements from POWs that they are being treated well. Of course it’s possible that each of these are some kind of deception, but 1) it’s been very consistent and 2) it’s the opposite of the message coming from the other side about how they treat Russian POWs.

Anosha 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’m in Russia. I assure you that the big “this is not gonna be good” was the US weapons killing Russian children on the beach on a major Orthodox Christian feast day, coupled with false flag attacks in Dagestan designed to foment ethnic hatred. Russia publicly blamed the US for a cluster bombing of civilians and summoned the ambassador. And promised an adequate response. This one will get an answer too, I’m sure, but it’s not a big turning point.

Anosha 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Russian Ministry of Defense is not in the habit of making flimsy statements. They say things they can back up, because to do otherwise would subtract from the reputation of their statements among serious people who look at the actual truth of their statements rather than poll numbers.

Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Orthodox old calendar Christmas is January 7, old calendar new year is January 14. Source: am Russian Orthodox

Anosha 4 points ago +4 / -0

An overlooked nutrient that is directly related to testosterone levels is potassium. Look up the RDI and then look at what you are actually getting. Now consider that stress tends to deplete it (an explanation for why the last three years would make things worse.) Now consider that we used to use potassium bicarbonate, an excellent source of potassium that is easy to make from wood ashes, as baking soda instead of sodium bicarbonate. Now try adding the missing potassium bicarbonate to supplement your diet up to the RDI or a bit more, and watch what happens.

Anosha 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Q drops mention USSS as a key element in the future timeline.


Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. I remember the same conversation in the late nineties when they started rolling out real id, and here we are…once they do this for any domestic travel it’s a much shorter road to doing it for anything else.

Anosha 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dual US-Russian citizen living in Russia here. If it turns out to be based on ip address, you can get a Kaspersky vpn to visit the website from a Russian ip address. But at least for the Apple App Store you are considered as being in the same country for all your apps, to the best of my knowledge.

Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks! I asked because I discovered the work of NF through digging through Q drops for music. His music is the soundtrack for the military video in 2811.


After listening to his music casually for a while, at some point I realized that his whole catalog has a second layer of meaning, and can be understood as being spoken from the perspective of Trump/Q/the nation (his name is Nathan or Nate). Sometimes he even points to Q drops from within his songs, such as the house number that appears in the Clouds video while he raps about the contents of the drop with that number!

In his most recent album there’s a song Turn My Back in which he says he’s the shot caller amid a series of such claims.

So I am interested in what is in that movie that he is invoking.

Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is? Is there a movie you’re referring to regarding “shot caller”?

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