159 10 stories you probably won’t hear from MSM (threadreaderapp.com) 💊 RED PILLS 💊 posted 126 days ago by bubble_bursts 126 days ago by bubble_bursts +159 / -0 Thread by @VigilantFox on Thread Reader App @VigilantFox: Media Blackout: 10 Stories They Chose to Not Tell You This Week #10 - Mainstream journalists inadvertently reveal the shocking truth about climate change. Whoopsie. The Washington Post just published a...… 42 comments share 42 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Amen frawg! THEY are definitely as hell bent on keeping the truth about our ancient past from us as they are about vaccines, food, water, who killed JFK, antigravitics, UFOs and on and on. Why is that?!?! What are they hiding from us?!