Dead man walking. Ain't no way the deep state will allow him to say anything. He has way too much information to bring down a lot of people, so I'm thinking either he has a bad fall while on the way to the hearing or the hearing iwll be canceled.
Unless the white hats are protecting him. Too many co-incidences for me to believe they are not. Just the fact that he survived that many years in prison said a lot.
Dead man walking. Ain't no way the deep state will allow him to say anything. He has way too much information to bring down a lot of people, so I'm thinking either he has a bad fall while on the way to the hearing or the hearing iwll be canceled.
Unless the white hats are protecting him. Too many co-incidences for me to believe they are not. Just the fact that he survived that many years in prison said a lot. belief as well inspoken...
I'll bet he has more kill switches than even their AI can count.