some of us been cracked wide open to the reality before the first Q drop. Some? a year ago.... they never read a Q drop. Regardless...
this shit will DRAIN you, it will BREAK you, it will SHAPE you....and that process isnt fun.
especially while we're forced to watch "the movie" and just sit calmly and wait for the fuse to reach the powder at the firework show
so - if youre going through a tough time right now for whatever reason: Just know, im glad youre HERE. (both as in alive right now in this important moment of history AND here on gaw)
I feel for all the patriots out there, and pray for all of those that are fighting the good fight. I am writing this hoping people keep this in mind. I will use me as an example, though any recognition is not what I want at all, but I have learned that this is the true test of a patriot. There are some of us that have been trying to wake people up for 3.5+ years, we have been handing out flyers, give out free herbal medicine, trying to help people in disasters, and protesting at jab events for children (trying to save people everywhere). BUT, I have found that some people are happy to help, but some are not. Especially when they learn that we do not trust THIS administration. PLEASE, just everyone be nice to each other and cut the patriots some slack...