Here's a biblical side note that happens to tie together Michael and the word Moab:
Deuteronomy 34:6ff says the precise location of Moses' burial was never disclosed, but it was in the valley of the land of Moab opposite Beth-peor. This was traditionally considered the gateway to the realm of the dead.
Jude v9 says Michael the archangel was in legal debate with the devil over Moses' body. From Deuteronomy we know his body was buried somewhere in the valley of the land of Moab east of Beth-pior and Dea Sea (trans Jordan). So you have Michael the guardian and protector of God's people Israel, rebuking the lord of the dead in the name of the Most High God, that Moses would not simply be relegated to the same cursed portion of Sheol as the disembodied spirits of the giants (rephaim), demons and so on.
Just an interesting tid bit. No clue if Q intended a biblical layer to Moab (Is Iran going to fire missiles into the realm of the dead and perturb ancient spirits? LOL)
I’m just saying that’s what was posted recently by Q & Trump.
so his next week post should hint at the MOAB.
Here's a biblical side note that happens to tie together Michael and the word Moab:
Deuteronomy 34:6ff says the precise location of Moses' burial was never disclosed, but it was in the valley of the land of Moab opposite Beth-peor. This was traditionally considered the gateway to the realm of the dead.
Jude v9 says Michael the archangel was in legal debate with the devil over Moses' body. From Deuteronomy we know his body was buried somewhere in the valley of the land of Moab east of Beth-pior and Dea Sea (trans Jordan). So you have Michael the guardian and protector of God's people Israel, rebuking the lord of the dead in the name of the Most High God, that Moses would not simply be relegated to the same cursed portion of Sheol as the disembodied spirits of the giants (rephaim), demons and so on.
Just an interesting tid bit. No clue if Q intended a biblical layer to Moab (Is Iran going to fire missiles into the realm of the dead and perturb ancient spirits? LOL)
Oh, that’s funny because in the military “MOAB” = “Mother of All Bombs”