Think about this for a moment...outside of potential comms.
Why would this take out many satellites, and yet solar flares seemingly do not, even though they constantly talk about it?
Solar flares are many times stronger than anything known nuclear, yet, this is our major threat? Aren't satellites already built to withstand space radiation?
Why does NASA own 99% of the world's helium?
Now, go back and look at all the lies told by NASA.
Think how easily the scenario in the video could be faked: holographic projection of an explosion in the atmosphere, while taking down communications on the ground.
Very easy to do. They wouldn't even have to fake an explosion, just send off one disposable bomb up in the air large enough to be filmed/seen by a few. Just a bomb large enough to make a visible fireball.
They officially just sent their first Guardian to space too.
"Guardians operating in space is not a typical Space Force mission - Hague is the only active-duty Guardian astronaut. However, the service plays a huge role in supporting spaceflight with missions such as GPS satellite operations, space domain awareness and launch operations."
I know that the military satellites are rad hardened. I would assume that the civilian satellites have at least some rad hardening. EMP is another animal. I warned about this decades ago. I was working with a small group that had a solution to harden the grid and even homes. But we couldn’t get the government to jump. The cost wasn’t cheap, but most of it was labor.
Some Russian chick who's uncle or dad was high up in the military mentioned this is what they'd do if they had to. They wouldn't fire missles for mutually assured destruction, they'd just fire one up over Russia and create an EMP, throwing everyone into the dark ages electronically - coms etc. no radioactive fallout or physical damage.
Think about this for a moment...outside of potential comms.
Why would this take out many satellites, and yet solar flares seemingly do not, even though they constantly talk about it?
Solar flares are many times stronger than anything known nuclear, yet, this is our major threat? Aren't satellites already built to withstand space radiation?
Why does NASA own 99% of the world's helium?
Now, go back and look at all the lies told by NASA.
This goes much deeper than many think.
Think how easily the scenario in the video could be faked: holographic projection of an explosion in the atmosphere, while taking down communications on the ground.
Very easy to do. They wouldn't even have to fake an explosion, just send off one disposable bomb up in the air large enough to be filmed/seen by a few. Just a bomb large enough to make a visible fireball.
Most satellites are within the van Allen belt that shields earth from solar events and cosmic rays.
They officially just sent their first Guardian to space too.
"Guardians operating in space is not a typical Space Force mission - Hague is the only active-duty Guardian astronaut. However, the service plays a huge role in supporting spaceflight with missions such as GPS satellite operations, space domain awareness and launch operations."
I know that the military satellites are rad hardened. I would assume that the civilian satellites have at least some rad hardening. EMP is another animal. I warned about this decades ago. I was working with a small group that had a solution to harden the grid and even homes. But we couldn’t get the government to jump. The cost wasn’t cheap, but most of it was labor.
Thus proving satellites are not 15000 miles up but maybe within a hundred miles of earth. Everything you know is a lie
Some Russian chick who's uncle or dad was high up in the military mentioned this is what they'd do if they had to. They wouldn't fire missles for mutually assured destruction, they'd just fire one up over Russia and create an EMP, throwing everyone into the dark ages electronically - coms etc. no radioactive fallout or physical damage.
There are 2 kinds of satellites. Deep state controlled and starlink