60 Will Q return for Red October...? Q3627 "Anon interaction coming soon." >>> On the Clock [:57] —> [:27] = Sept 28. Soon. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 164 days ago by JohnTitor17 164 days ago by JohnTitor17 +62 / -2 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This is the longest Q has been silent. I can feel a drop coming soon
I believe it will be October 11 [:40] on the clock.
I'm willing to bet money. Take a screenshot and please make fun of me if I'm wrong.
Edit: on or before. Q4954
How about I make fun of you now and I apologize on October 11th if you're right?
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!
F it. I'm in!
Please! I hope you are right!