The most powerful vacuum bomb (Fuel air bomb) currently is ODAB-9000. It contains 7100 kilograms of ethylene. The shock wave of a bomb can definitely kill at a distance of 77 meters, most likely it will kill at a distance of 218 meters.
Me: Vaccum bombs or thermobaric bombs are particularly good at killing people hiding in basements and underground locations. Vacuum bombs don't suck the air out of peoples lungs.
Me paraphrasing: Beside those killed from secondary affect, like a building falling on top of them, those within a certain radius from the explosion are killed by the primary affect, the shock wave. This shock wave does not kill them by throwing them against some other hard object but because of air pockets within the human body.
The human body is made up of 98% water. A shock wave, which is just compressed molecules (sound) travels through the human body at 1,540 meters per second. In a gas pocket it move through at 343 mps, an 80% drop. In the lungs, sound moves through at approx. 30 mps, 98% drop.
When the molecules are force to slow down, their energy most go somewhere. It gets transferred to the delicate tissue at wall of lungs causing them to rupture, shred. This fills the gas pockets with blood. Gas pockets in the intestine, skull is affected the same way.
Here is what I could find:
The most powerful vacuum bomb (Fuel air bomb) currently is ODAB-9000. It contains 7100 kilograms of ethylene. The shock wave of a bomb can definitely kill at a distance of 77 meters, most likely it will kill at a distance of 218 meters.
Me: Vaccum bombs or thermobaric bombs are particularly good at killing people hiding in basements and underground locations. Vacuum bombs don't suck the air out of peoples lungs.
Me paraphrasing: Beside those killed from secondary affect, like a building falling on top of them, those within a certain radius from the explosion are killed by the primary affect, the shock wave. This shock wave does not kill them by throwing them against some other hard object but because of air pockets within the human body.
The human body is made up of 98% water. A shock wave, which is just compressed molecules (sound) travels through the human body at 1,540 meters per second. In a gas pocket it move through at 343 mps, an 80% drop. In the lungs, sound moves through at approx. 30 mps, 98% drop.
When the molecules are force to slow down, their energy most go somewhere. It gets transferred to the delicate tissue at wall of lungs causing them to rupture, shred. This fills the gas pockets with blood. Gas pockets in the intestine, skull is affected the same way.