You are absolutely correct. We learned in a 11th grade in basic economics that the printing of money causes inflation. But the uni party in DC had to come up with a quick fix after they laid a phony pandemic at our feet. What is the first job of every politician? Get elected something we also learned in POD class. It is a joke. Federal Reserve is as Federal as Fed Ex.
But the uni party in DC had to come up with a quick fix after they laid a phony pandemic at our feet
You are putting the cart before the horse. The Fed increased the money supply, then they created the pretense of "solving the pandemic." Our economic woes have been a purposeful destruction. All of the other things that happened (like the pandemic) were just part of the Theatre to help us believe that planned demolition.
Do you really think that rank and file uni party members are hip to the fact that there is a plan of destruction of our country? And I do believe that is the case that there is a plan to ruin the country with Soros and his ilk. But I really think there is only a handful of Congress that knows that. The rest are just there to fatten their wallets and in the interim they are complicit in destroying the country. There is only one true way to get this country back from the people who have overtaken it, what has history taught us? There is no peaceful solution.
Do you really think that rank and file uni party members are hip to the fact that there is a plan of destruction of our country?
Like all operatives of a cell, each person knows only what they need to know. Only couple people know "the big picture." For example, in Al Qaida, I think most of the operatives were "True Believers." Suicide bombers were doing what they truly believe was best for themselves, or the mandate of heaven, or whatever the fuck they had been convinced is "the truth" based on their brainwashing. Basically none of the people involved realized that ultimately, every single action was being directed by the C_A, or rather, they were being directed by the people who control the C_A.
It is the exact same thing with regards to politicians. Some are directly compromised. The most powerful and influenced are the most likely and/or most deeply compromised. That goes for both sides of any narrative btw. It doesn't matter what they are saying, controlled opposition is everywhere. Those with the most influence are most compromised. That is how the world works.
So there are those who are compromised, but there are also those who are just getting "best policy ideas" from some think tank. But both the Epsteins (direct agent e.g.) or just the best think tank reports are ALL created directly by the Cabal. All think tanks are the same agency of the Cabal. It doesn't matter if they are "conservative" or "liberal" or "non-partisan," ultimately all of their direction comes from the same source.
It goes at all levels. All science reports come from the same source. They control both all funding agencies and all publishing companies (not to mention all of education).
Etc. All of the information comes from the same source.
There is only one true way to get this country back from the people who have overtaken it, what has history taught us? There is no peaceful solution.
History is a lie. It is completed fabricated. The ONLY possibility to a solution is a peaceful one (or at least "mostly" peaceful). The only possible solution is showing us who the real enemy is. There are a handful of people (thousands or less) who control everything. Everyone else is living a lie, some version of True Believer, narrated by those who control all of the information. Once the illusion is shown there is no need for a hot war, because there is no one to kill. Our neighbors don't need to die. The people who live in Iran don't need to die. The people in Russia don't need to die. They are all being told a different false narrative. They all see the wrong enemy; a false enemy. All that needs to happen is for people to see the Real Enemy and the solution solves itself.
You are absolutely correct. We learned in a 11th grade in basic economics that the printing of money causes inflation. But the uni party in DC had to come up with a quick fix after they laid a phony pandemic at our feet. What is the first job of every politician? Get elected something we also learned in POD class. It is a joke. Federal Reserve is as Federal as Fed Ex.
You are putting the cart before the horse. The Fed increased the money supply, then they created the pretense of "solving the pandemic." Our economic woes have been a purposeful destruction. All of the other things that happened (like the pandemic) were just part of the Theatre to help us believe that planned demolition.
Do you really think that rank and file uni party members are hip to the fact that there is a plan of destruction of our country? And I do believe that is the case that there is a plan to ruin the country with Soros and his ilk. But I really think there is only a handful of Congress that knows that. The rest are just there to fatten their wallets and in the interim they are complicit in destroying the country. There is only one true way to get this country back from the people who have overtaken it, what has history taught us? There is no peaceful solution.
Like all operatives of a cell, each person knows only what they need to know. Only couple people know "the big picture." For example, in Al Qaida, I think most of the operatives were "True Believers." Suicide bombers were doing what they truly believe was best for themselves, or the mandate of heaven, or whatever the fuck they had been convinced is "the truth" based on their brainwashing. Basically none of the people involved realized that ultimately, every single action was being directed by the C_A, or rather, they were being directed by the people who control the C_A.
It is the exact same thing with regards to politicians. Some are directly compromised. The most powerful and influenced are the most likely and/or most deeply compromised. That goes for both sides of any narrative btw. It doesn't matter what they are saying, controlled opposition is everywhere. Those with the most influence are most compromised. That is how the world works.
So there are those who are compromised, but there are also those who are just getting "best policy ideas" from some think tank. But both the Epsteins (direct agent e.g.) or just the best think tank reports are ALL created directly by the Cabal. All think tanks are the same agency of the Cabal. It doesn't matter if they are "conservative" or "liberal" or "non-partisan," ultimately all of their direction comes from the same source.
It goes at all levels. All science reports come from the same source. They control both all funding agencies and all publishing companies (not to mention all of education).
Etc. All of the information comes from the same source.
History is a lie. It is completed fabricated. The ONLY possibility to a solution is a peaceful one (or at least "mostly" peaceful). The only possible solution is showing us who the real enemy is. There are a handful of people (thousands or less) who control everything. Everyone else is living a lie, some version of True Believer, narrated by those who control all of the information. Once the illusion is shown there is no need for a hot war, because there is no one to kill. Our neighbors don't need to die. The people who live in Iran don't need to die. The people in Russia don't need to die. They are all being told a different false narrative. They all see the wrong enemy; a false enemy. All that needs to happen is for people to see the Real Enemy and the solution solves itself.
Now I know your delusional.