Globalists have taken over government, education, law enforcement, wall street and the military
Agreed, and far worse.
you think they will just hand it back without a fight?
Who would they be fighting exactly?
It is a couple thousand v. 8 Billion. Once people understand who THE REAL ENEMY IS there will be no one to even kill (within the scope that you imply). There may be a few ropes and trees involved, but guns, or planes, or bombs are not required.
If we try to fight other people, we have already lost the war. I did say "mostly peaceful" for a reason. The real war is in the creation of the understanding that it is 8 Billion versus a few thousand. That is not a hot war. It is an information war (more specifically it is a psyop, which does have inevitable loss of life, but is not a hot war).. There is no killing in that situation.
So I suppose it depends on what you mean by "peaceful." If there is any sort of hot war, we lose. Period. Changing beliefs can be painful, but it's mostly a peaceful process.
Agreed, and far worse.
Who would they be fighting exactly?
It is a couple thousand v. 8 Billion. Once people understand who THE REAL ENEMY IS there will be no one to even kill (within the scope that you imply). There may be a few ropes and trees involved, but guns, or planes, or bombs are not required.
If we try to fight other people, we have already lost the war. I did say "mostly peaceful" for a reason. The real war is in the creation of the understanding that it is 8 Billion versus a few thousand. That is not a hot war. It is an information war (more specifically it is a psyop, which does have inevitable loss of life, but is not a hot war).. There is no killing in that situation.
So I suppose it depends on what you mean by "peaceful." If there is any sort of hot war, we lose. Period. Changing beliefs can be painful, but it's mostly a peaceful process.
Americans taking back the Republic. Elections are a farce, Kamala will be 47.