Mom has esophageal cancer and ivermectin is highly effective against this type. Weve been successfully treating her with ivermectin for a few months. I realized today I only have about 30 days worth left. I had been getting my supply from India but with the longshoremens strike I suspect that if I order now it may not get here for much longer than the couple weeks it usually takes.
So does anyone have a reliable source of the pills (she wont do the horse paste, I have tons of that) that is US sourced with no prescription needed?
TN you can purchase it in small pharmacy. You have to drive there.
If you are near Nashville, Roman pharmacy in Goodlettesville. I just got a 6 month supply for the wife and I last Monday for about $400. Just had to fill out a short one page form. Too easy. The whole thing took about 30 minutes.
They are located right off Interstate 65.
Nice that you let people know which pharmacy. Good info.