Yep, and it seems to be working very well. I've also seen some video of locals with their own horses taking in supplies to neighbors, especially medicine such as insulin, and even taking in a doctor to one place. That's how it used to be done.
The Mountain Mule Packers are experts and will be able to get through to the worst places.
Upvoat. And Motion to sticky.
Thank you. They are a real interesting group and I didn't know they existed until yesterday. They're doing a lot of good out there right now.
Thanks so much for the info. I've been praying and looking for a way to help these folks!
These guys are 10 miles from me. I may have to pay them a visit. I might need a mule with a Mk19 mounted to it.
God bless them and all the search & rescue !
Just been reading about the Burma campaign -- they sure appreciated those mules!
How long before the DOJ arrests them for trying to help make this unimaginable scenario somewhat tenable?
Very soon I'd reckon, given recent occurrences.
This looks like the only viable option to get to some of the devastated areas. With roads gone how else can people get in to help!!
Yep, and it seems to be working very well. I've also seen some video of locals with their own horses taking in supplies to neighbors, especially medicine such as insulin, and even taking in a doctor to one place. That's how it used to be done.
The Mountain Mule Packers are experts and will be able to get through to the worst places.
I looked on their FB page and what they do is truly amazing and they are serving by the grace of God--angels of mercy. The hands and feet of Christ
American ingenuity. Sometimes its go as simple as possible!
Studs!! 👍🙌🇺🇲 Good ol Mericans getting it done when the gvt won't.
Where are links in the comments? I don't see them for some reason.
I put them above, just under the title, but here ya go:
This is a link to their Venmo QR code on Facebook:
and here are their website and FB pages:
This is wonderful. They can get through! I am surprised people think driving or flying is the only way to help people.