Although I wonder. War-weathered anons kinda feel like things ain't all that stormy, cos we've been in the midst of the brew for so very long. But to the normie mind, I kinda wonder if this doesn't already feel, consciously or unconsciously, like one of dem big fatass storms.
Compared to normies, who are like landlubbers, most anons by now are like rough old sea captains with leather skin.
Although I wonder. War-weathered anons kinda feel like things ain't all that stormy, cos we've been in the midst of the brew for so very long. But to the normie mind, I kinda wonder if this doesn't already feel, consciously or unconsciously, like one of dem big fatass storms.
Compared to normies, who are like landlubbers, most anons by now are like rough old sea captains with leather skin.
You may be right,I frequently read the headlines here at work at break time. Years ago I got a lot of pushback.
Now people belive me 100%. Enough of what I said has come true or mainstream.
Congrats on making the win, fren.
wow you are lucky, the people whom i've been telling for years all flat out deny that i ever told them anything about anything they keep hearing about