The cheney/thompson Jan. 6 'committee' was one of the biggest crimes ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) Congress has ever allowed. This absurd waste of taxes came away with ZERO Proof of a crime by Trump which made it a criminal LIE, and THIS is what the criminal MSM is Still using for This witch hunt. It IS the Same criminal treason against Trump as the Two impeachments and the Failed muller lie.
The cheney/thompson Jan. 6 'committee' was one of the biggest crimes ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) Congress has ever allowed. This absurd waste of taxes came away with ZERO Proof of a crime by Trump which made it a criminal LIE, and THIS is what the criminal MSM is Still using for This witch hunt. It IS the Same criminal treason against Trump as the Two impeachments and the Failed muller lie.