All it took was 10 billion in losses and idiots panic-buying everything in sight.
They have reached a tentative agreement and have extended the master contract to Jan of 2025.
All it took was 10 billion in losses and idiots panic-buying everything in sight.
They have reached a tentative agreement and have extended the master contract to Jan of 2025.
That didn't last very long. (that's what she said)
Damn it... I was gonna say that lol.
(that’s what you were gonna say)
What am I going to do with all this toilet paper now?
TP your neighbors house for halloween?
By today's standards, that is being super decadent.
😂😂😂😂 Teepee a liberal😂😂😂😂
whata teeze
Toilet paper wiped out (no pun).at kroger
The union members are MAGA. As for Daggett & the other grifting union bosses, I think the membership will take care of them.
Who hit the “Easy Button “?