The U.S. national debt in 1913 was $2,916,204,913.66. This was when Woodrow Wilson took office as president.
holy hell imagine if 36 trillion in debt is wiped out overnight... what kinda prosperity this country will go back through.
Ron talking about how flustered he got, was he flustered when he ran for office? This dude is grifter central.
Now we need Kennedy and Kash.
Easy way to fix this, if you're going to cooperate with the FBI, treat them like a mushroom, keep them in the dark and feed them shit until it's go time.
Judge needs to take a long drop with a sudden stop. It's time to cut the corruption out of office.We need for Trump and Reps to do something.
Damn weezles!
It is in certain categories, such as mechanical shit. If your mind isn't mechanically inclined you'll fail that part. But, yeah it's not like it asks if weezles are wozzles and whos are weezles but not wozzles then who is a wonzzle and what kinda crazy shit is this?
It's time for these mother fuckers to swing. Hopefully, Trump has the balls to order it. Getting tired of this lawfare.
Because they're corrupt, they always have been...
Going to be a lot of federal judges taking a perp walk here very soon.
I about had a gotdayum heart attack when I read that post. They stealth edited the headline.
It was the title that huffinpoop initially had. I wish I had screenshotted it.
It wasn't an initial shitpost, it was initially named that, huffinpoop looks like they stealth edited the headline.
nothing can stop what is happening =)
My account is locked over at X for telling some legit Nazi he needed to self delete. Dude talking shit about scott pressler.
It's a false alarm, just some former CIA's wet dreams. NCSWIH.
They are indeed fake news. Grassley is one of the good guys.
I doubt it too. Don't trust HuffinPooPoo but yeah.
and not one piece of shit cop was around to assist. This shit has got to stop. Trump needs to go ahead and send in the military.
Why does a government agency have a CFO to begin with?
Even better
Getting the wokeness out of their brains is going to be tough, they have been brainwashed for so damn long.
you and me both my friend. Who doesn't want a little extra cabbage in their hands?