Folks that highlight the (very real) suffering are missing the point. They think that something else could have been done, and that it is because of the sleeping masses that hardship and difficulty have been in the world.
But it's the wrong perspective (well, an unhelpful and misleading one). If it could have been done an easier way, it would have. It was done this way because the other choices lead to MORE suffering and MORE difficulty.
Why? Because the problem is THE PEOPLE.
"What have we got, Mr Franklin?"
"A republic, if you can keep it"
Who is you? It's not the government, and its not DJT. It's we, the people. The people MUST step up and own the situation. A top-down implemented solution is no solution at all. It requires the genuine cooperation of down - up cooperation. That's the people stepping up,
And think about this. Do you think that Donald J Trump could actually say he loves the people, if he thought all day "Damn those stupid people who are brainwashed or not waking up!!!"
He could not do anything that all, if that was in his heart. IT's a war, and a war for the mind, a war for the mind of America and the World. And blaming others because they don't see what you see is a short cut trip to dis-empowering yourself.
Folks that highlight the (very real) suffering are missing the point. They think that something else could have been done, and that it is because of the sleeping masses that hardship and difficulty have been in the world.
But it's the wrong perspective (well, an unhelpful and misleading one). If it could have been done an easier way, it would have. It was done this way because the other choices lead to MORE suffering and MORE difficulty.
Why? Because the problem is THE PEOPLE.
"What have we got, Mr Franklin?"
"A republic, if you can keep it"
Who is you? It's not the government, and its not DJT. It's we, the people. The people MUST step up and own the situation. A top-down implemented solution is no solution at all. It requires the genuine cooperation of down - up cooperation. That's the people stepping up,
And think about this. Do you think that Donald J Trump could actually say he loves the people, if he thought all day "Damn those stupid people who are brainwashed or not waking up!!!"
He could not do anything that all, if that was in his heart. IT's a war, and a war for the mind, a war for the mind of America and the World. And blaming others because they don't see what you see is a short cut trip to dis-empowering yourself.
It takes a lot of work to wake up people that have been lied & manipulated to for generations.
If not millenia.
But yeah. A LOT of work.