Supposedly the end isn't for everyone, I understand collateral damage. This sucks though. I hate how much we must suffer to wake the retards. Let's me honest, even right now a month from election, too many are asleep and complacent.
Some people (too many) seem beyond help because they are willfully ignorant and just refuse to open any curtain beyond which was opened when they entered the world. Imagine how God feels...He gave up His own Son...His very own life and suffered an unimaginable death so that all people could receive the free gift of literal, eternal life! seems most are too busy, too apathetic, too lazy, too self-absorbed and basically have too much invested in their egos to really understand what they are refusing. And contrary to what many of us think, it doesn't matter how much factual evidence we have showing something is correct, historical or real, most will not be confused by facts that contradict their own preconceived opinions! Again, this is purely ego driven behavior...
There is more evidence to support that Jesus was raised from the dead than any other single historical event in the history of mankind...yet most people refuse to believe. And they reject the truth of the Resurrection for the exact same reasons they refuse to accept any other historical truth...mostly it's their ego. The patience of God and truly amazing!
However, the good news is that there is a way around people's ego. All you have to do is continue to share the truth with them at every opportunity in a non-threatening, conversational way. Don't argue! Just make sure you speak your truth. If a question comes up, or the door is open for you to say something truthful and meaningful, say it and be done! Don't try and prove your case unless they ask you for more information. Just say it with no emotion, casually, and normal voice inflection. Try not to raise your voice. This is very difficult for me to do...but I try! Then let God work on them at 2 in the morning!
You see, what I have learned in 20+ years of trying to get people to wake up to the way the world really works, 9/11, the FED, the truths of God and the Bible, etc. is that when you have a discussion, conversation or argument with someone...actually anytime there's a sharing of ideas, the main hinderance to the learning process is the individuals EGO! People (me, you, everyone) especially don't like to be told or it even hinted that they are wrong or don't know everything. This just rubs our fragile egos raw!
But, if you say your piece...tell them the truth as non-threatening as possible...the thing they cannot control is that what you say is going to go into their subconscious. If they hear's going in and there is nothing they can do! This is key...because at 2 am when they are laying in bed...there is no EGO. It's just them and God! And that's when God can bring back to their conscious mind what you said with no ego in the way and they will marinate in it. God will use what the truth we spread in a powerful way. Hence the Biblical saying, we plant the seed and God gives the growth...I guess what I am trying to say is we need to just go about spreading truth and don't worry about trying to win arguments, proving your point with endless facts that fall on deaf ears. Just say what you need to say and let God do the rest of the work.
This is why preaching patience may seem foolish but it actually has really opened things up for more to be awakened this way.
Sure I just canβt stand the suffering that has been caused by it though since so many people are so dumb and/or brainwashed.
Take solace that the suffering is and will be only a fraction of what it would have been without the Q team.
Supposedly the end isn't for everyone, I understand collateral damage. This sucks though. I hate how much we must suffer to wake the retards. Let's me honest, even right now a month from election, too many are asleep and complacent.
Some people (too many) seem beyond help because they are willfully ignorant and just refuse to open any curtain beyond which was opened when they entered the world. Imagine how God feels...He gave up His own Son...His very own life and suffered an unimaginable death so that all people could receive the free gift of literal, eternal life! seems most are too busy, too apathetic, too lazy, too self-absorbed and basically have too much invested in their egos to really understand what they are refusing. And contrary to what many of us think, it doesn't matter how much factual evidence we have showing something is correct, historical or real, most will not be confused by facts that contradict their own preconceived opinions! Again, this is purely ego driven behavior...
There is more evidence to support that Jesus was raised from the dead than any other single historical event in the history of mankind...yet most people refuse to believe. And they reject the truth of the Resurrection for the exact same reasons they refuse to accept any other historical truth...mostly it's their ego. The patience of God and truly amazing!
However, the good news is that there is a way around people's ego. All you have to do is continue to share the truth with them at every opportunity in a non-threatening, conversational way. Don't argue! Just make sure you speak your truth. If a question comes up, or the door is open for you to say something truthful and meaningful, say it and be done! Don't try and prove your case unless they ask you for more information. Just say it with no emotion, casually, and normal voice inflection. Try not to raise your voice. This is very difficult for me to do...but I try! Then let God work on them at 2 in the morning!
You see, what I have learned in 20+ years of trying to get people to wake up to the way the world really works, 9/11, the FED, the truths of God and the Bible, etc. is that when you have a discussion, conversation or argument with someone...actually anytime there's a sharing of ideas, the main hinderance to the learning process is the individuals EGO! People (me, you, everyone) especially don't like to be told or it even hinted that they are wrong or don't know everything. This just rubs our fragile egos raw!
But, if you say your piece...tell them the truth as non-threatening as possible...the thing they cannot control is that what you say is going to go into their subconscious. If they hear's going in and there is nothing they can do! This is key...because at 2 am when they are laying in bed...there is no EGO. It's just them and God! And that's when God can bring back to their conscious mind what you said with no ego in the way and they will marinate in it. God will use what the truth we spread in a powerful way. Hence the Biblical saying, we plant the seed and God gives the growth...I guess what I am trying to say is we need to just go about spreading truth and don't worry about trying to win arguments, proving your point with endless facts that fall on deaf ears. Just say what you need to say and let God do the rest of the work.