It makes my hair hurt some days, but...libtards love to scream "CLIMATE CHANGE!" as the blame for any and all weather because obviously that's THEIR narrative, plus, they want to be able to control US and our vehicles and other devices that they attempt to blame "climate change" on.
But we start talking weather manipulation/control and chemtrails...and then those motherfuckers just go whistling past the graveyard, and chalking all of THAT up to tin foil hat-ism. Y'know...just like climate change.
It makes my hair hurt some days, but...libtards love to scream "CLIMATE CHANGE!" as the blame for any and all weather because obviously that's THEIR narrative, plus, they want to be able to control US and our vehicles and other devices that they attempt to blame "climate change" on.
But we start talking weather manipulation/control and chemtrails...and then those motherfuckers just go whistling past the graveyard, and chalking all of THAT up to tin foil hat-ism. Y'know...just like climate change.