THATS RASSISSTS. U gonna be reported to the NAA(C)CP. Hindus are incensed, blalks are mortified and whites just don't care. This racial nonsense needs to go away and the majority of Americans need to grow a pair and begin acting like mature men and women instead of like a bunch of adolescent school girls getting spurned by her first boyfriend. Ugh. BD, my initial comment was sarcasm.
THATS RASSISSTS. U gonna be reported to the NAA(C)CP. Hindus are incensed, blalks are mortified and whites just don't care. This racial nonsense needs to go away and the majority of Americans need to grow a pair and begin acting like mature men and women instead of like a bunch of adolescent school girls getting spurned by her first boyfriend. Ugh. BD, my initial comment was sarcasm.