Unfortunate…the friend says Trump is owned by Israel (well, our whole corporate government is really,..isn’t it?). Next says Vance will become POTUS after the deep state makes it happen, and Vance is controlled by Peter Thiel, new senator from out of no where must be an Israeli plant…. Israel has influence, everywhere and Vance did come out of no where…no?
Thoughts on counterpoints I can nicely say to my friend?
I've no longer got time for such retardation at this point so close to the election, I just cut off these sort of idiots for now, like a friend who is a DeSimp I just don't even bring up politics to him at all. I'm reminded of what someone said when I used to lurk over at r/SuperStonk regarding MOASS when someone said about needing time to get more people to buy in "bro we're halfway up Mount Doom and you want us to waste time waiting on some hobbits who still haven't even left the Shire?"
Vance hasn't done anything good for ohio and seems to be dewines little boy toy. Vance never pushes back against the ohio RINOS.