I just don’t know what to think about him and this situation right now.
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Black rock, vanguard and the other demons own the company that is in that area producing the lithium. I have no horse in this race, but I would go with them . They want people to die so they can snatch up as much property in that area as possible . Many of the people who survive lost everything and have no ins , they will need to sell the land for a loss . The ones who perished .. there land will be sold by relatives. The hurricane was real, but I believe it had a lot of help to be more destructive and then lack of efforts to save people is evident .. someone wants the land . I don’t believe it’s Elon I believe it is much more evil then he could be .
Why can’t the landowners get together, create their own corporation to mine the lithium to profit themselves? I know they would be up against the biggies, but isn’t that what being an independent American is all about?! Where are our entrepreneurs?
Elon said his blood is boiling , I believe he’s really pissed not acting , he just may get together with landowners and help them .
I would love for that to be true.
Their Mineral Rights got sold for a pittance long-ago. That was back when nobody knew what that could lead to. It's how Kentucky got Strip-Mined right through the family farm.
Was afraid of that.