Monkey Works has been tracking real time weather modification companies flying tracks over the storm off the coast of Africa. The companies are based in France and Germany. Maui and now North Carolina..... I'm really getting black pilled..... and all I hear is people talking about football, because, well you know... that's what's important in life. I have all kinds of food I want to donate, but at this point it'll end up in a landfill somewhere I imagine.
Monkey Works has been tracking real time weather modification companies flying tracks over the storm off the coast of Africa. The companies are based in France and Germany. Maui and now North Carolina..... I'm really getting black pilled..... and all I hear is people talking about football, because, well you know... that's what's important in life. I have all kinds of food I want to donate, but at this point it'll end up in a landfill somewhere I imagine.
Donate to a local church group that you trust. They will make sure it will get to the people in need.