222 HOLY SH*T! 🚨 Fmr Coast Guard member who traveled to NC w/her K9s for body recovery efforts was advised to avoid FEMA, because they are confiscating supplies... members of the volunteer group she worked with discovered that FEMA was diverting supplies meant for North Carolinians to migrant shelters. (twitter.com) posted 159 days ago by GDZeus 159 days ago by GDZeus +222 / -0 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It is time for the NC. Gov. to call up and activate the US. Militia. To assist in saving lives and defending the Rights of US. Citizens.
more like it's time to arrest the governor!
And that fact leads to the question of 'are there no Sane lawyers in NC, that know the people are being killed by neglect'?
He's a card carrying Democrat. He'll do no such thing but follow his orders