At what point do we realize he's reading a script and telling us what he's going to do.... TO OUR FACES and pretending to be senile
My point is "Senile" is a great disguise, because he sure seems to be
And with this "disguise" he's been able to tell us what he's going to do to us
So when he gaffes and says something again about murdering everyone in the world, we probably should consider it's not the rantings of a senile man but something his handlers are absolutely GOING TO DO.
Just as Jesus stands at the door and knocks,, so too must you invite the devil in. Your lack of resistance, they consider permission. If you do not oppose, you give permission. If you bought a ticket to that worldly or gory or promiscuous movie, you gave permission. What spells are you chanting, er......uh, I mean, what lyrics are you singing that signals acceptance? Satan's power over you in this earth was rescinded when Jesus died on the cross,, descended to hell, and took back the keys to life and death from him. So he must contract with you now, and is happy to trick you or keep you ignorant to accomplish this.