Tell these adults that we, the tax payers, have every right to know 1. who they are 2. where the children are from 3. where the children are going 4. etc. etc. etc. BECAUSE we are paying for absolutely every penny/dollar that is sheltering, clothing, feeding them, giving them phones and healthcare etc. all the while our suffering American compatriots are suffering and dying from illegal crime, fentanyl overdoses and natural disasters!!
Tell these adults that we, the tax payers, have every right to know 1. who they are 2. where the children are from 3. where the children are going 4. etc. etc. etc. BECAUSE we are paying for absolutely every penny/dollar that is sheltering, clothing, feeding them, giving them phones and healthcare etc. all the while our suffering American compatriots are suffering and dying from illegal crime, fentanyl overdoses and natural disasters!!