Brett and Janice Cairns have written a prayer against the HURRICANE threatening Florida- pray and share this powerful prayer! Lord, you gave us authority over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing in any way shall harm us (Luke 10:19). I take authority over HURRICANE Milton, this man made-storm scheme of darkness, and I defeat it in the name of Jesus,'and by the power of the Blood of Jesus. We use that authority, call down, bind, disallow, and destroy the power of HURRICANE Milton that is heading to Florida. I choose as an act of my will, to call' on the Angel Armies to come down, be my weapon, and fight for me. I call on as many Hosts as needed to go meet that storm, bring reinforcements as required, redirect it to the open ocean, neutralize it, and to bring it to nothing, and to no effect. We declare, and decree that this man made-storm created by the enemy will cause no death 'or destruction to the United States. I speak to the storm as Jesus did (Mark 4:39) and rebuke HURRICANE Milton, and say HURRICANE Milton Hush now! Be still (muzzled)!" Diana Larkin A Watchman's Journal
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