posted ago by alphaliberal ago by alphaliberal +16 / -1

I have a few cents in Stellar Lumens on Coinbase. I have 1 cent of unrealized gains. Isn't that absolutely nuts? I mean that is absolutely insanity.

I'm not a fan of the Wall Street vultures, and believe they should be taxed to the hilt while the working folks pay very little. But despite my discust for the super rich I'm against taxing on income or investments that haven't even been earned or redeemed no matter how rich anyone is. It's just not fair to anyone.

This unrealized gains thing won't hurt the super rich much of at all, but it will certainly hurt small investors and small or individual sole proprietor businesses.

I hope Trump slashes that crap and flushed the entire idea in the toilet. If the government needs tax revenue how about a better economy with growth that benefits everyone.