MarketWatch propaganda to Influence Election - groceries more affordable Claim
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Total bullshit. Everything is higher now. Liars.
Lies like this make no sense to me. Do you honestly think the average person does not buy groceries? Like 99% of people can fact check this via personal experience
Right?!!! So marketwatch’s idea is that people’s wages go up so the higher food prices are more affordable, but whose wages have gone up 25% or 50%?
Marketwatch article: (Oct. 10, 2024) ____ the late Dr. Stanley Monteith of Radio Liberty out of Monterey /Santa Cruz, California often said: “ Figures don’t lie, but liars figure”. ____ archives of Dr. Stan Monteith’s broadcasts, including interviews with Dr. Atony Sutton and G. Edward Griffin here:
someone here likes liars who figure, I’m not surprised.