True, but I think Trump only wore a diaper only to hedge against a possible accident. How professional would it be for him to say that he needs to go to the bathroom while contestants are arguing over a blown task? It is possible that President Trump never had to go in a diaper, but it was there just in case.
True, but I think Trump only wore a diaper only to hedge against a possible accident. How professional would it be for him to say that he needs to go to the bathroom while contestants are arguing over a blown task? It is possible that President Trump never had to go in a diaper, but it was there just in case.
Billionares have probably cancelled much bigger events over much smaller bullshit.
If diaper don was true the deepstate enemy wouldve unleashed that on him already.
This is the endgame, unfounded ad hominem propaganda is very weak
I would have to agree. I honestly threw out the spec that President Trump wore diapers during boardroom filming.
I'm just moving on now.