Reviving American manufacturing will take a few years.
Years is optimistic. A few decades is probably more realistic. There’s quite a bit of expertise that either no longer exists domestically. Or exists in such small numbers that it’ll take years to start producing people with the know how again in sufficient quantities to meet the demand.
So how much and how fast Industry can grow is capped on the amount of expertise we have. Not to mention the lack of bodies to feed into the proverbial grinder for “Less Skilled” word. IE working the assembly line.
Economically Short term. You may see price increases on some “Luxury” goods. I’d imagine they’ll act to stabilize and deflate prices on ‘necessary’ items.
But there’s quite a bit that depends on the legal status of various individuals and companies. As quite a few Companies and Wealthy Corporate Leaders, Managers and Executives have been implicated in nefarious activities.
So if most of the Board, upper management, and Major Shareholders are in jail. Or dancing the Hempen Jig. That might cause some problems
Years is optimistic. A few decades is probably more realistic. There’s quite a bit of expertise that either no longer exists domestically. Or exists in such small numbers that it’ll take years to start producing people with the know how again in sufficient quantities to meet the demand.
So how much and how fast Industry can grow is capped on the amount of expertise we have. Not to mention the lack of bodies to feed into the proverbial grinder for “Less Skilled” word. IE working the assembly line.
Economically Short term. You may see price increases on some “Luxury” goods. I’d imagine they’ll act to stabilize and deflate prices on ‘necessary’ items.
But there’s quite a bit that depends on the legal status of various individuals and companies. As quite a few Companies and Wealthy Corporate Leaders, Managers and Executives have been implicated in nefarious activities.
So if most of the Board, upper management, and Major Shareholders are in jail. Or dancing the Hempen Jig. That might cause some problems