I’m tired of dealing with bread and circus normies. I wish I had friends I could sit with and discuss Q, Trump, what our future as a country will look like, etc. A few people I know are beginning to wake up, but it’s painfully slow and for the most part ignorance is still rampant. One friend recently told me about an exciting family trip to Disneyland, and all I could think is why would anyone want to support pedos. Sometimes it’s hard to relate to others around me. Sorry, just venting. I’m grateful I at least have this community where I can be around like-minded people!
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I often wonder - are we better off staying online and anonymous, or should we try to arrange regional events where we can meet in person?
We can party when this is over,then we don't have to worry much about glowies.
yeah, i am with you. Not getting ready to go to a Q meetup where 1. there is sure to be glowies and 2. the Evil ones would be able to take out a bunch of us in one swoop.
We need to bring back the use of fag,to spot the glowies......
And didn't we learn anything from Michigan 8 out of 10 were glowies.
Kek do you have a skateboard on your shoulder?
The planning is where DMs would actually be appreciated, vetted beforehand. Also, a first meeting would not bring the attention you worry over. That first in- person meeting would give us the means to gather again, wherever, whenever.