270 What they have done to children, will be their undoing. When the whole truth is known, the world will not be the same again...God’s Children are not for sale...🙏🏻 (Save the Children offices raided as part of abuse investigation) (www.bbc.com) posted 114 days ago by purkiss80 114 days ago by purkiss80 +270 / -0 Save the Children offices raided as part of abuse investigation The charity said it was aware of activity at its Guatemalan offices, and deny any wrongdoing. 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Never forget JILL BIDEN elected as the head of the board of trustees for Save the Children… https://westfaironline.com/fairfield/jill-biden-elected-chair-of-save-the-children/?print=print
I think there's more to her than the babysitter next door
Although, its possible stuff came out that I haven't seen yet - hard to keep up with all the evil characters involved