237 Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz says sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was killed as part of a ‘foreign operation’, but refused to divulge which government was responsible for his death. (modernity.news) 🔍 Notable posted 114 days ago by penisse 114 days ago by penisse +238 / -1 Congressman Matt Gaetz Says Epstein Was Killed as Part of a ‘Foreign Operation’ - modernity But won't name government supposedly behind sex trafficker's death. 67 comments share 67 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Yes, but they could use a variety of special forces to carry out the task. Joint operation
Our own Attorney General at the time under Trump William Barr whose father gave J Epstein his first teaching position was behind it. Whatever IT was.
From what I was reading Barr senior was already out of the school when Epstein got in. The school policies were changing not for the best.