100 nations collaborating on a massive sell-off of US treasuries, eh? For the purpose of destroying the US dollar? Funny how none of these supposed 100 nations have ever talked about it.
What end would notifying anons with a cryptic message about a supposed selling-off of US treasuries accomplish?
Why would we need to know it? Why would Q need us to know it? What could even be done with the information?
Also, are we supposed to assume that the destruction of the value of US currency is something to be gleeful and gloat about?
Where did the original information about muh "operation sandman" originate? How would they even know? It was just a small handful of blogs circle-jerking each other with completely unsourced allegations a few years ago. Are we supposed to believe that one of those blog owners had direct access to 100 nations in order to confirm it with each?
Sorry but none of it sounds even vaguely credible.
Also, to any of those gleeful few who are hoping for obliteration of the value of the US dollar, explain how you think that's a good thing for Americans. If you think inflation is bad now, just wait until the value of the US dollar is halved.
Correct. This is bullshit spread by morons, believed by other gullible morons.
There is nothing to replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, or the SWIFT banking system for international trade and commerce. Plenty of people want to switch to alternatives, but the alternatives don't exist yet, and it will take quite a while to make the switch when some of those alternatives are finally ready. Destroying the dollar before such a switch is possible would be incredibly stupid, and would hurt everybody, worldwide.
In the meantime, people and countries have purchased US T-bills as a safe investment that earns interest on their principal. They can be sold before they mature, but usually at a loss. Everyone selling at the same time is ridiculous. Who would buy the massive number of T-bills they are all selling? Why would they destroy their own investments?
The morons that spread these types of rumors demonstrate that they DO NOT understand how finance works... at all.
100 nations collaborating on a massive sell-off of US treasuries, eh? For the purpose of destroying the US dollar? Funny how none of these supposed 100 nations have ever talked about it.
What end would notifying anons with a cryptic message about a supposed selling-off of US treasuries accomplish?
Why would we need to know it? Why would Q need us to know it? What could even be done with the information?
Also, are we supposed to assume that the destruction of the value of US currency is something to be gleeful and gloat about?
Where did the original information about muh "operation sandman" originate? How would they even know? It was just a small handful of blogs circle-jerking each other with completely unsourced allegations a few years ago. Are we supposed to believe that one of those blog owners had direct access to 100 nations in order to confirm it with each?
Sorry but none of it sounds even vaguely credible.
Also, to any of those gleeful few who are hoping for obliteration of the value of the US dollar, explain how you think that's a good thing for Americans. If you think inflation is bad now, just wait until the value of the US dollar is halved.
Correct. This is bullshit spread by morons, believed by other gullible morons.
There is nothing to replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, or the SWIFT banking system for international trade and commerce. Plenty of people want to switch to alternatives, but the alternatives don't exist yet, and it will take quite a while to make the switch when some of those alternatives are finally ready. Destroying the dollar before such a switch is possible would be incredibly stupid, and would hurt everybody, worldwide.
In the meantime, people and countries have purchased US T-bills as a safe investment that earns interest on their principal. They can be sold before they mature, but usually at a loss. Everyone selling at the same time is ridiculous. Who would buy the massive number of T-bills they are all selling? Why would they destroy their own investments?
The morons that spread these types of rumors demonstrate that they DO NOT understand how finance works... at all.
the test was already done with the Yen carry trades.
your bet is no one is crazy enough to do this.