Some women are warriors. Your genetics may not include them. But those of us of N European/North Sea and steppe ancestry certainly have women who are warriors, and can qualify as equals.
I have ancestor women who fought in the American Revolution both as militia and guerrillas (they weren't allowed in the regulars). And when their families were messed with, they got on horses in the middle of the night to ride to the British officers to give them hell about it. (Much to the surprise of those toffs.)
I have ancestor women in the Civil War who organized local militias and fought for their families and homes.
And when annual race riots were brought to my home city in the 1960s, I had women in my family where were there with the men--trained in the use of arms, ready to use them, and keeping the arsonist mobs out of our neighborhood.
These women were not dogface cannon fodder whose fathers marched them into machine gun fire in trenches. They were warriors. You are kneejerk erasing their memory as sure as the left erases them.
Some women are warriors. Your genetics may not include them. But those of us of N European/North Sea and steppe ancestry certainly have women who are warriors, and can qualify as equals.
I have ancestor women who fought in the American Revolution both as militia and guerrillas (they weren't allowed in the regulars). And when their families were messed with, they got on horses in the middle of the night to ride to the British officers to give them hell about it. (Much to the surprise of those toffs.)
I have ancestor women in the Civil War who organized local militias and fought for their families and homes.
And when annual race riots were brought to my home city in the 1960s, I had women in my family where were there with the men--trained in the use of arms, ready to use them, and keeping the arsonist mobs out of our neighborhood.
These women were not dogface cannon fodder whose fathers marched them into machine gun fire in trenches. They were warriors. You are kneejerk erasing their memory as sure as the left erases them.
They don't beling in combat arms is my point. There are various reasons for this. I'm Infantry and know of what I speak.