Shaking my head as usual—not because miss innocent supports hillary, that’s expected on any well known actor but because she said a dim Dem male is sexy! I find that image pathetic. What woman wants a whipped and asleep man? In truth None! Remember the videos of dem women who had to admit how great it was to go out with a strong &Republican) man? They said, I hate to admit but they opened doors, paid for our meal, waited to eat because she had left the table. They were stunned. If you are strong, you want a strong partner. It’s just the way it is.
Shaking my head as usual—not because miss innocent supports hillary, that’s expected on any well known actor but because she said a dim Dem male is sexy! I find that image pathetic. What woman wants a whipped and asleep man? In truth None! Remember the videos of dem women who had to admit how great it was to go out with a strong &Republican) man? They said, I hate to admit but they opened doors, paid for our meal, waited to eat because she had left the table. They were stunned. If you are strong, you want a strong partner. It’s just the way it is.