Nazi may have been a lot of things, but they were not fascist. Today the commies use it to describe anyone they don't like,they word has no meaning anymore.
Yes, I think that is part of making people forget. Spam the slur so often that people only think Fascism = le Bad, and Antifa = Waaal, they have a point, you know, because Fascism = le Bad.
Not that I agree with NPM (New Public Management - That's Thatcher Union Bustin), by the way. In the old days, Unions were the ones looking out for Worker Safety and collective wage-protection. And that was the problem, because the Unions were aware in the eighties that wages and inflation had decoupled and they were trying to keep wages up with inflation. Their argument was that it was only fair, but the government was concerned with ecomomics - and their actions, adopted by the entire West, only exarcebated the decoupling effect. So in my opionion, we are all living in a Fascist regime,
Why do you think we have had all these OSH laws passed recently (ca, 2015, or thereabouts)? Because Unions had their teeth pulled, and worker injury was dramatically on the rise. Governments had to step in, to reduce the societal cost of people dying on the job. But we can't have suposed card carrying communists demanding wage increases for all the workers in a company, now, can we? Now we have individual contracts that are just about immutable. Try getting a inflation adjusted wage-increase these days, LOL. One cannot even see what inflation is really running at.
You are also right about the loss of meaning - NAzi is a word derived from National Socialism. The Nazis were commie-lite and many will argue that Nazis did a lot of good, because they weren't like those filthy Russian commies - until they turned genocidal.
Nazi may have been a lot of things, but they were not fascist. Today the commies use it to describe anyone they don't like,they word has no meaning anymore.
Yes, I think that is part of making people forget. Spam the slur so often that people only think Fascism = le Bad, and Antifa = Waaal, they have a point, you know, because Fascism = le Bad.
Not that I agree with NPM (New Public Management - That's Thatcher Union Bustin), by the way. In the old days, Unions were the ones looking out for Worker Safety and collective wage-protection. And that was the problem, because the Unions were aware in the eighties that wages and inflation had decoupled and they were trying to keep wages up with inflation. Their argument was that it was only fair, but the government was concerned with ecomomics - and their actions, adopted by the entire West, only exarcebated the decoupling effect. So in my opionion, we are all living in a Fascist regime,
Why do you think we have had all these OSH laws passed recently (ca, 2015, or thereabouts)? Because Unions had their teeth pulled, and worker injury was dramatically on the rise. Governments had to step in, to reduce the societal cost of people dying on the job. But we can't have suposed card carrying communists demanding wage increases for all the workers in a company, now, can we? Now we have individual contracts that are just about immutable. Try getting a inflation adjusted wage-increase these days, LOL. One cannot even see what inflation is really running at.
You are also right about the loss of meaning - NAzi is a word derived from National Socialism. The Nazis were commie-lite and many will argue that Nazis did a lot of good, because they weren't like those filthy Russian commies - until they turned genocidal.