If the government is engaged in in illegal activities (Crimes against humanity-children) could we be held liable for funding its operation via taxes?
Morally, this would make sense if it could be claimed that you had a reasonable way of figuring out that taxes were being used for crimes against humanity.
Legally, liability does not carry through taxation, though. It does not even carry through share ownership in most cases. For example, if a company is caught committing crimes it does not mean all the people who invested in their stocks, or who purchased their products would also be held liable.
Voting to change the government is also a reasonable standard you can use to claim that you did your best.
When its proven to the world that pretty much all elections in the past 100 years were fraudulent, that would act as a mitigating factor. Add to that, the fact that all sides of the political spectrum colluded as one Satanic cult, and the media actively colluded to cover up the truth, all these powerful mitigating factors.
In addition, 90% of the people whose taxes are withheld by their companies at the time of wages, have no way of stopping this.
All in all, the question boils down to - whom would the victims of these crimes be most angry about, and would most want to pay the price of these actions.
I would argue that liability via taxation would be the last thing in their mind when they want to see people committing actual crimes and people actively covering it up brought to justice.
Or absolved from non-compliance with current tax law?
I think you can escape the clutches of the current tax fraud if you know the constitutional rights, and how to defend yourself in the legal system. They will make your life hell, but they can't force you to pay taxes.
Hey if you wanna try and find out be my guest, and report back to me what happens in 5-10 years of you're still alive. I mean just look at Ruby ridge and ppl who figured this out lol
The average citizen has zero say in whether or not they can get away with not paying taxes (even if you've got the best lawyers in your corner, the government will do everything they can to try and jail and/or destroy you)
That being said, the level of hard evidence required in order to prove that somebody is aware of their government's worse crimes and is still paying taxes because they want to fund said government in an attempt to allow said government to still commit those crimes, liability becomes a really tough proof at that point.
Let's invent a fake country named Bidentopia. Bidentopia actively commits atrocities like human, drug, and sex trafficking. The average citizen of Bidnetopia knows the government does some bad things, but has no idea who is actually in charge of said horrible things. Which means most of them aren't liable.
Now, let's say that you have an elitist class that funds the government, endorses the government, uses their journalism to hide the government's evils, etc. Well, now you've got a group that could be seen as liable.
Paying taxes in this situation is akin to becoming accessories to criminal activity imo
Use discernment, some people who work wage jobs already have their incom deducted automatically and they have little if any say about it.
Morally, this would make sense if it could be claimed that you had a reasonable way of figuring out that taxes were being used for crimes against humanity.
Legally, liability does not carry through taxation, though. It does not even carry through share ownership in most cases. For example, if a company is caught committing crimes it does not mean all the people who invested in their stocks, or who purchased their products would also be held liable.
Voting to change the government is also a reasonable standard you can use to claim that you did your best.
When its proven to the world that pretty much all elections in the past 100 years were fraudulent, that would act as a mitigating factor. Add to that, the fact that all sides of the political spectrum colluded as one Satanic cult, and the media actively colluded to cover up the truth, all these powerful mitigating factors.
In addition, 90% of the people whose taxes are withheld by their companies at the time of wages, have no way of stopping this.
All in all, the question boils down to - whom would the victims of these crimes be most angry about, and would most want to pay the price of these actions.
I would argue that liability via taxation would be the last thing in their mind when they want to see people committing actual crimes and people actively covering it up brought to justice.
I think you can escape the clutches of the current tax fraud if you know the constitutional rights, and how to defend yourself in the legal system. They will make your life hell, but they can't force you to pay taxes.
Send in $750 that will be good enough. 🤣
Hey if you wanna try and find out be my guest, and report back to me what happens in 5-10 years of you're still alive. I mean just look at Ruby ridge and ppl who figured this out lol
The average citizen has zero say in whether or not they can get away with not paying taxes (even if you've got the best lawyers in your corner, the government will do everything they can to try and jail and/or destroy you)
That being said, the level of hard evidence required in order to prove that somebody is aware of their government's worse crimes and is still paying taxes because they want to fund said government in an attempt to allow said government to still commit those crimes, liability becomes a really tough proof at that point.
Let's invent a fake country named Bidentopia. Bidentopia actively commits atrocities like human, drug, and sex trafficking. The average citizen of Bidnetopia knows the government does some bad things, but has no idea who is actually in charge of said horrible things. Which means most of them aren't liable.
Now, let's say that you have an elitist class that funds the government, endorses the government, uses their journalism to hide the government's evils, etc. Well, now you've got a group that could be seen as liable.
RICO at the highest level. Now, just to prove it...