There seems to be something more to the Vem Miller story ...
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
The man they just arrested for supposedly "trying to kill" Trump in my good friend and business partner for America Happens, Vem Miller.
Vem had just exposed a huge Deep State cover-up involving the Feds and the Bundy Ranch scandal.
The video referred to in the tweet: Bundy vs. Deep State - An Original America Happens Documentary
This may be worth taking into account before everyone jumps on the 'this persons word is gospel' train.......
Should be more to find with some digging if even close......
1st he has multiple passports with different aliases. Multiple passports under different names indicate clear intent to deceive. The only people with such documentation are typically involved in covert activity, fraud, or other criminal enterprises. No innocent person holds multiple passports with differing identities unless they are actively trying to evade detection or lead a double life. The burden is on him to explain how one acquires passports under false names without criminal intent.
2nd The fake license plates. Again this goes back to the previous point. Fake plates are generally only used for illegal activity. There’s no innocent reason for having fake license plates unless he’s attempting to evade detection. Multiple plates could suggest he’s trying to cover his movements or adopt different identities on the road. That’s not something you "accidentally" get involved in.
3rd. He claims he knows nothing about firearms. Multiple firearms. He asserts ignorance about guns l an intriguing admission from someone who evidently possesses several. Owning guns isn’t exactly akin to collecting baseball cards. They come with certain responsibilities, not to mention legal requirements. You don’t just "accidentally" gather multiple firearms without understanding the basics of their operation. Even the most casual collector would have some understanding. Ignorance isn’t an excuse; it’s an evasion.
4th. He claims there was no assassination attempt. Mind you this would have been the 3rd. What sane person after the 1st attempt let alone the 3rd try to gain access to a candidate holding a rally where everyone else has a real press pass to get in but you had a fake one? Which implied you were not supposed to be there to begin with.
Denial is easy, but when you combine all the circumstantial evidence (firearms, passports, fake plates), it becomes hard to take his denial at face value. If he didn’t explicitly plan an assassination, what are you doing with the tools to carry out one? The preparations he had align with someone preparing for something far more sinister than simply attending a rally.
Very logical breakdown, and therefore very helpful as well. Good analysis...