Rivera is a little man with a big ego aka Napoleonic Complex. For him to suggest that any of the numerous politically motivated trials held in Democrat run courthouses with mostly Democrat juries on made up charges were legitimate in any way is to suspend the entire concept of justice being blind. To suggest that the election was free and fair has as much credence as that hyped show of his claiming a false room behind that basement wall hid Al Capone's millions. All hot air. He looked like a fool then and looks the same now.
He was a closet Dem while saying he was Republican. He also loves to claim he was a friend of Trump. Acquaintance Geraldo, not a friend. Big difference.
Rivera is a little man with a big ego aka Napoleonic Complex. For him to suggest that any of the numerous politically motivated trials held in Democrat run courthouses with mostly Democrat juries on made up charges were legitimate in any way is to suspend the entire concept of justice being blind. To suggest that the election was free and fair has as much credence as that hyped show of his claiming a false room behind that basement wall hid Al Capone's millions. All hot air. He looked like a fool then and looks the same now.
He was a closet Dem while saying he was Republican. He also loves to claim he was a friend of Trump. Acquaintance Geraldo, not a friend. Big difference.