posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer +133 / -0

Woke up my senior year of high school when my grandfather gave me a copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island. I volunteered with the Ron Paul campaign and became a delegate of his in the state GOP at 18 years old.

As I awoke to more and more truth it started to destroy me. I walked away from God. I wasn’t old enough or mature enough to understand how this evil could exist. I turned to booze, drugs and easy women as a coping mechanism.

I snapped out of it eventually and I remember when Trump first came along. At first I thought it was a joke but then I listened to him and knew he was the real deal. Election Day of 2016 was the most hope I had in my life. From then tell Covid I was absolutely crushing it in life.

Then Covid came. Knew it was BS from the beginning. And as I saw so many people I knew drink the Covid kool aid I fell back into bad habits. Never caved to the vax despite the pressure. Eventually got to the point of only wearing a mask at the bank and at work. I went out of my way to support local businesses defying Inslee’s crap. The local bars and restaurants that turned into Speakeasy’s all survived. I met so many based people over a burger and a beer that year.

Then the election steal of 2020 came and I was dooming hard. I then stumbled upon this website. Where people were not dooming. I started learning about this “plan” and how long game it all was. With the help of you all I came back to Christ. I learned of the spiritual war that we are in.

Now we are at the final stage. The deep state and their minions are gonna lash out but we are ready. While we may disagree on some things I truly believe everyone here is battle hardened and has resolve much higher than most people. We are all driven by wanting to see good in this world and it doesn’t matter what they throw at people like us. It doesn’t affect us we walk right through it. We never cave or accept defeat.

We have one last job though. We must vote like never before and be as loud as never before. Whatever they pull we must call it out online and in real life. We will take back this country and this world. We are ready for this.

I respect the hell out of all of you and would love to hear some of your stories. When this is all over I would be thrilled to have a beer and burger with any of you.