No backing but just a thought. Could early voting go so hard that basically we know the winner before the day of? Like if 80+million vote trump early we know who's gonna win we just have to wait for the electoral collage to give it the go ahead?
Yes, I've had this thought as well. I just wrote this above:
Three weeks for the Dems to get the number for making fakes, but also three weeks for the world to learn how many registered Americans have voted. Much easier to see that xx% voting before the 5th plus yy% voting on (or after!) the 5th is much greater than 100%.
This makes the cheat so much more obvious. It happened in 2020, but not in everyone's face and over an extended time. The Biden "win," thus became a fait accompli. Leftist and Tyrants (but I repeat myself) often rely on, "Oh well, it's too late now. We'll just have to move on." Not this time
Could be, it would seed the public mind ahead of nov 5th and might discourage libtards from even going to the polls. How do they add millions of cheating votes on election day, or flip them when the machines aren't programmed tondo it yet? I don't understand why but trump asked so I'm going early
No backing but just a thought. Could early voting go so hard that basically we know the winner before the day of? Like if 80+million vote trump early we know who's gonna win we just have to wait for the electoral collage to give it the go ahead?
Yes, I've had this thought as well. I just wrote this above:
Could be, it would seed the public mind ahead of nov 5th and might discourage libtards from even going to the polls. How do they add millions of cheating votes on election day, or flip them when the machines aren't programmed tondo it yet? I don't understand why but trump asked so I'm going early