21 Top Google trending search comes up with the 17 dirt diapers story...WTH! (www.dailymail.co.uk) posted 125 days ago by sortofsamuel 125 days ago by sortofsamuel +21 / -0 Mom who candidly shared her '17 diapers' story speaks out Hannah, who goes by @nursehannahbh on TikTok, is a mom-of-two who made headlines after she confessed that she had been tossing dirty diapers around her home after changing her kids. 5 comments share 5 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Anyone have a clue for what this is coms for?
Scat = evidence
Dirty diapers = sealed/harvested evidence(IDK)
Probably comms for an incoming indictment?
People do shit like that to make money,off the views.
I don't think this is any comm.
Agreed...money for clicks
Both. Money for clicks is how the comms pays so well.